I originally came to this process with very specific goals in mind. I had decided to train for a sport pilot certificate but was having trouble finding aircraft that could accommodate me. I was very impressed with a couple of folding wing light sport aircraft and the potential for savings they offered so my plan was to purchase an LSA that could be stored in a trailer in order to keep expenses down while I took flight lessons in it and paid it off, after which, I would hangar it. Just Aircraft’s “Highlander/Escapade” and the Aerotrek A240 appealed to me because of the folding wings and the potential for hangar savings. I was definitely putting the "cart before the horse", contemplating ownership as a means to save money. I was so stunned by the potential cost of owning an aircraft that I attempted, through creative thinking, to solve my issues of 1) wanting to have access to a new aircraft 2) with a generous useful load while 3) minimizing carrying costs. Even my pursuit of a sports Pilot certificate was strictly economic, thinking it would be the fastest, most cost effective way to be able to fly. My focus was more about becoming a licensed pilot in the least amount of time at the least cost to me. Now, I’m asking myself, why is that important? Why hurry through this?
I hereby commit to learning to fly the old fashioned way....ONE LESSON AT A TIME. I'm going to focus on learning to fly and even if it takes me two freaking years to earn my PPL, so what. I'll be learning to fly along the way. So what if I can only afford one flight lesson a week. I'LL STILL BE FLYING ONCE A WEEK and more importantly, I will be well prepared to participate in this community safely and I owe that to General aviation, myself and my family. Another hurdle cleared.
Brace yourselves because I'm fresh out of excuses...
I hereby commit to learning to fly the old fashioned way....ONE LESSON AT A TIME. I'm going to focus on learning to fly and even if it takes me two freaking years to earn my PPL, so what. I'll be learning to fly along the way. So what if I can only afford one flight lesson a week. I'LL STILL BE FLYING ONCE A WEEK and more importantly, I will be well prepared to participate in this community safely and I owe that to General aviation, myself and my family. Another hurdle cleared.
Brace yourselves because I'm fresh out of excuses...